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BarreBeats is a ballet barre and pilates inspired workout set to pumpin' playlists
Sculpt, sweat and strengthen your whole body with grace, poise and purpose
Take your passion to the next level and train to teach an awesome class that will keep you fit and make you money on your own terms

Naomi Di Fabio
Class-creator extraordinaire, Badass Ballerina and your personal cheerleader (Too much? 😆)
I went from teaching hi-lo aerobics to working for the biggest fitness lifestyle brand in the world - Zumba - to creating my own concepts and training instructors in London's best boutique fitness studios.
I'm here to make sure you find success in introducing an energetic, body-sculpting, feel good, heart-pumping ballet-inspired workout class to your schedule.
Gone are the days of wondering which barre concept you should train to teach. This is your one-stop-shop...​


Training content
90+ VIDEOS AND MANUAL containing everything you need to know to teach epic BarreBeats workouts
BarreBeats and barre history and benefits
​How the body works and why we do specific exercises including how to target specific muscles
Using a barre vs not using a barre
All the positions of the body, legs, arms and feet - never done ballet before? No dramas, we got you covered. Little prima ballerina? This will be a great refresh
A library of exercises, set-ups, benefits and tips
Infinite ways to vary the movements and sequencing so your classes are always different and never, ever boring
Adding in the handweights to target the upper body and overload the lower too!
Class prep and structure
Being an incredible instructor - what it takes to deliver incredible class experiences for your clients

What makes BarreBeats different from other barre formats?
Most barre classes will have you pulsing in a squat, clinging onto the barre for dear life while your legs
tremble and shake with an instructor shouting at you to hold that position and claiming the more you
shake the better this is for your body...
Great technique, a proper understanding of what you're actually doing with your body and a variety of
exercises based in ballet and Pilates will help you to achieve incredible results in a fun way without any high impact.
You do not need to have ballet experience to participate in or to teach a BarreBeats class.
Use of music in a BarreBeats class is vital! There's no background music in a barre beats class. Instead the music will help you feel inspired to continue, will bring dynamic and excitement to the class and a sense of doing this together as a group bound together by the shared energy and enthusiasm! The best bit? YOU choose your own music so you can workout to your favourite beats.
No ballet barre is required so you can teach the class anywhere!
We use light hand weights (1-2kg) to tone and sculpt the upper body.
Naomi, the creator of Barre Beats studied with the Royal Academy of Dance trained and also studied at the Academia Nazionale di Danza in Rome, Italy. She is an international fitness presenter highly experienced in creating and delivering exceptional engaging and effective dance-based fitness classes.
get the tools you need
to start teaching
Video library with all the positions, steps and exercises
you need to be a badass ballerina! 90+ videos!

Livestream training with personal instruction and feedback from Naomi to make sure you feel ready to teach incredible classes

Tools and tips to create endless
variations to inspire, motivate
and challenge your customers and stave of boredom

Comprehensive manual including functional anatomy relevant to ballet to ensure you are providing a safe, effective and market-leading barre class

Are there pre-requisites to take the BarreBeats training course?
No! However it helps if you have participated in BarreBeats classes or if you have
experience within ballet/barre and group fitness classes.
You will be taught everything you need to know to create your own classes using music
that you love and according to the needs and goals of your clients.
It is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary insurance cover and knowledge
to teach your classes safely.
What happens after the training course?
Once you have completed your training and passed your online assessment you will
purchase your license to teach BarreBeats classes, prepare your class and start
building your tribe of badass ballerinas!
Is there a license or franchise fee to pay?
There is a lifetime license fee to pay of just £150 upon completion of your
training. This license fee will allow you to use the BarreBeats name and marketing materials as well as give you access to exclusive support from Naomi. You will be able to submit your classes for listing on this website.
There are NO ongoing fees and there is no franchise fee.
If you prefer you can pay a monthly fee of £14.99 which will give you the above only whilst continuing to pay the monthly fee.
Is this a pre-choreographed program?
No, this is not pre-choreographed and you are free to use your own creativity! You will have all the tools you need to create continually evolving and challenging classes for your customers with ease. You are able to choose your own music and are not bound to use any specific choreography or Naomi's music choices. As a licensed instructor you will have access to a library of recorded classes and combos to use as inspiration for your own classes.
Will I receive a certificate?
Upon passing your online assessment you will receive a certificate of completion.
I don't know whether to take the online option of blended learning. Which would you suggest?
There are two options to complete your BarreBeats training:
1. Self-directed, fully online learning which gives you access to the manual and online videos. You should choose this option if you are able to motivate yourself through self-study and if you have ballet knowledge. It is not advisable to select this option if you have no ballet knowledge, do not teach barre classes or have never taught group fitness to music classes. If you do choose this option and find that you would like to join a live-stream training you can purchase this separately for £67.
2. Blended learning consisting of the manual and online videos plus 2 x 2hour live-stream training sessions with Naomi. You should choose this option if you want to ensure you have the best possible learning experience. Please note that you will be able to choose your live-stream training sessions following enrolment.
got questions?​

Start your training
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